Danses Débutant 2023.24

Chorégraphies débutant 2023.24

                  Titre de la danse                         Fiche de la danse                                Vidéo    
01 ) Ticket to the blues Ticket to the blues mgTicket to the blues mg (226.48 Ko) https://youtu.be/e2mERlN-UOc
02 ) Funny Joke Funny joke frFunny joke fr (62.93 Ko) https://youtu.be/oR0klB7bn5w
03 ) Completely AB Completely ab 1Completely ab 1 (259.43 Ko) https://youtu.be/C9uvCZfWvhM
04 ) Heave Away HeaveawayHeaveaway (632.14 Ko) https://youtu.be/jhQcpUXbTzA
05 ) Stay Up Stay up frStay up fr (63.49 Ko) https://youtu.be/uANAGdZARHM
06 ) Révision de Elizabeth  Voir Tableau 2022.23  
07 ) Révision de Tempo Voir tableau 2022.23  
08 ) That Honky tonk highway That honky tonk highwayThat honky tonk highway (62.43 Ko) https://youtu.be/TIkzAYfS4RU
09 ) Louisiana get down Louisiana get downLouisiana get down (62.96 Ko) https://youtu.be/9C1NYkU7SL4
10 ) I ain't never I ain t never ultra debutante partnerI ain t never ultra debutante partner (117.13 Ko) https://youtu.be/vgt0tyqLoCo
11 ) Rock around the clock Rock around the clock frRock around the clock fr (76.32 Ko) https://youtu.be/hHUAo3m2h38
12 ) Beer in my hand Beer in my hand debutant countryBeer in my hand debutant country (63.05 Ko) https://youtu.be/phCheKkUOns
13 ) In the Valley In the valley 1In the valley 1 (51.76 Ko) https://youtu.be/kM4FzhWzkUM
14 ) Glass of wine Glass of wineGlass of wine (186.4 Ko) https://youtu.be/zb0XtktFaoA
15)  Hell HellHell (56.12 Ko) https://youtu.be/bkdL8ehR_9Q
16 ) I Stil Fall For You I still fall for you debutant countryI still fall for you debutant country (62.3 Ko) https://youtu.be/RNmKZHeKEYU
17 ) Heart HeartHeart (185.51 Ko) https://youtu.be/596Ztzn5ezc
18 ) Lucky For You Lucky for youLucky for you (63.01 Ko) https://youtu.be/1Q_ZmnaedEs
19 ) Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring strangerWayfaring stranger (311.07 Ko) https://youtu.be/Bv5s8YL4dO4
20 ) An absolute dream AnabsolutedreamAnabsolutedream (105.66 Ko) https://youtu.be/DsayWm50m7M
21 ) Nangilima EZ Nangilima ezNangilima ez (64.27 Ko) https://youtu.be/9W1Puj7Qdog
22 ) Big Truck Big truckBig truck (160.38 Ko) https://youtu.be/XJspTG2SkVs
23 ) Take me home Take me home frTake me home fr (301.22 Ko) https://youtu.be/SqZbFKcSi04
24 ) I like this I like thisI like this (63.48 Ko) https://youtu.be/4t801_q0KxI
25 ) Mama, Dolly, Jesus Mama dolly jesusMama dolly jesus (97.29 Ko) https://youtu.be/rRq9a4Jgnoo
26 ) Cowboy big up Cowboy big upCowboy big up (62.75 Ko) https://youtu.be/-se4KwN6ZTQ
27 ) Country Song Country song frCountry song fr (63.48 Ko) https://youtu.be/ClicVQrbosk
28 ) AA AaAa (801.36 Ko) https://youtu.be/TB83VFevDcY
29 ) Outta My mind Outta my mindOutta my mind (784.32 Ko) https://youtu.be/PISNc8BsZsE
30 ) Night Like this EZ Night like this ezNight like this ez (63.88 Ko) https://youtu.be/lDANv7HhHm4
31 ) Jump The Wire Easy Jump the wire easy frJump the wire easy fr (63.89 Ko) https://youtu.be/UpL49SqNYDI
32 ) Within easy reach Within easy reachWithin easy reach (15.18 Ko) https://youtu.be/nALPwHRPRcs


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