Danses Intermédiaire 2023.24

Chorégraphies Intermédiaire 2023.24

                               Titre de la danse                                          Fiche de la danse                                                    Vidéo
01 ) Mama And Me Mama meMama me (783.81 Ko) https://youtu.be/BdA5cljiK5g
02 ) Révision de Westville Stomp Westville stomp 1Westville stomp 1 (804.82 Ko) https://youtu.be/nPkIBkRV3QI
03 ) Footloose FootlooseFootloose (200.14 Ko) https://youtu.be/f89sNyQsCNE
04 ) Bible Belt Bible belt frBible belt fr (65.04 Ko) https://youtu.be/xUrzxezcYkk
05 ) Come My Way Come my way frCome my way fr (65.95 Ko) https://youtu.be/_lwyiGbdWnE
06 ) Without Me Without me frWithout me fr (64.95 Ko) https://youtu.be/UFyhTgxppKE
07 ) Irish Boots Irish bootsIrish boots (240.71 Ko) https://youtu.be/S09JYTDMQjU
08 ) I Could I couldI could (149.5 Ko) https://youtu.be/dVn7lEhuoFc
09 ) If I was a cowboy If i was a cowboyIf i was a cowboy (45.18 Ko) https://youtu.be/6Pcq4KXtoJM
10 ) Drop the beat Drop the beat inter countryDrop the beat inter country (65.03 Ko) https://youtu.be/DCvEgY2TcG8
11 ) First Meeting First meeting frFirst meeting fr (63.86 Ko) https://youtu.be/Fv-Esx3I3Zo
12 ) Impossible Love Impossible loveImpossible love (187.93 Ko) https://youtu.be/17_qcw67Iqc
13 ) Second and Heart Second hand heart frSecond hand heart fr (86.21 Ko) https://youtu.be/fOdoMbLu5aw
14 ) Jump the wire Jump the wireJump the wire (151.32 Ko) https://youtu.be/tVO4OA48hv0
15 ) Driving in my car Driving in my carDriving in my car (508.95 Ko) https://youtu.be/gWPJdQzS7TQ
16 ) When you're drunk When you re drunkWhen you re drunk (65.58 Ko) https://youtu.be/3eRXHl5-XAk
17 ) Straight Line Straight lineStraight line (65.22 Ko) https://youtu.be/5hmb6-62Smk
18 ) Around the fire Around the fireAround the fire (794.55 Ko) https://youtu.be/3b34SJADSoU
19 ) 3 Tequila floor 3 tequila floor3 tequila floor (161.83 Ko) https://youtu.be/qn7UyqZ47yY
20 ) Honky tonk floor Honky tonk floorHonky tonk floor (62.06 Ko) https://youtu.be/y2zChX5gc0E
21 ) Fire in Mexico Fire in mexicoFire in mexico (206.69 Ko) https://youtu.be/eknzrBVMuWA
22 ) You ain't Jack You aint jack frYou aint jack fr (66.65 Ko) https://youtu.be/TZ0mvmA__uU


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